
Showing posts from 2018

The One About Biking

I'm going to admit something silly because...well, why not? One of the more interesting things about being human is relating to other humans. I'm sure at least one other human out there is as weird as I am, so I'll break the proverbial ice and just admit my own shortcoming...I never learned how to ride a bike. Let's rewind to the 80's when I should have learned this basic skill and point the finger at two busy hardworking parents who literally saw me a few hours a day to pat me on the head, feed me and tell me to go to bed.  My dad worked 2nd shift most of my life and as a result I saw him for a few minutes in the morning in between the morning rush of getting ready for school and the mild grazing of his lips on my forehead at 11pm at night when he got home.  My mom was there for me in the afternoons after school got out but she was the only ticket in town and she was terrified of doing things out of her comfort zone. As an example I became quite a library rat bec

The Quiet

I was much more prolific with opinions in my younger years, huh? Most certainly I still have them I just don't have time to process and work through them and I hate spewing thoughtless things in the world. There's certainly an overabundance of that in the world already. My problem (in part) is a little PTSD from a not-so-great friend breakup and before things went radio silent I felt very heavily criticized about but not even in a productive way like when in drama club our director would rip us apart with feedback, it was all side-eye, backhanded, so and so said this about you yesterday high school BS.  And I'm honestly a little trigger shy after this most recent round of Presidential change and it's taken a while to put words around it because it sounds ridiculous but at the same time when the two main parties are constantly yelling yelling yelling you begin to feel a little bit like a child of divorce. I'm very torn and I'm not the cause of this issue per sa