
Showing posts from 2020

Little Fires

It feels like the world is on fire, huh? I'm already super stressed and isolated.  To cut to the chase, I'm fine, I've been medically healthy, my family is fine, they too are medically healthy. I'm grateful for what I have. I'm not bemoaning my situation but I am however, entitled to an opinion that is not all sunshine and lollipops. Now on to more interesting things... The recent situation with George Floyd has lit the U.S up.  And perhaps the combination of already being so vexed and then you add in this "kindling" so to speak and a firestorm would naturally erupt.  You can't really say for sure why this instance mattered so much when literally hundreds of years have proceeded this of black persons being being killed for no reason by white people who get seemingly no punishment but my guess is that we were just primed up and ready for it.  If President Trump's administration wanted to act as the lighter fluid, then here's what the outcome